Thomson scattering is a powerful diagnostic of laser-produced plasmas because it can provide simultaneously a measurement of the electron density, electron and ion temperatures, plasma expansion velocity, degree of ionization and heat flow with relatively high resolving power. Thomson散射是一种主动而无干扰地对等离子体进行诊断的方法.它能够以较高的时空分辨率测量等离子体的参数,如电子与离子温度、密度以及等离子体的膨胀速度、电离程度、热流等参数。
The sources of the system errors include Gibbs Thomson ′ s effect of micro_crystal, the pre crystallization of fine crystals in the magma, heat transfer delay of temperature measurement, the accuracy of analog to the digit transform, and others induced in the procedure of operation. 系统误差来源包括:微晶的增溶效应(即Gibbs_Thomson效应)、细晶的预结晶作用、测温时的传热滞后、模/数转换精度及其它如操作过程引入的误差等。